Monday, April 23, 2007

Warm Weather At Last

Snickers loves going for walks. She was so excited today she was leaping into the air and spinning around. She looked like a little circus dog. We saw lots of new plants, all waking up from their winter naps. It amazes me how they can emerge from the winter freeze intact and ready to go. Snickers stepped in some coyote poop without seeing it. All of a sudden she smelled it and spun around, sniffing in her own footsteps. I think she thought she was being followed. When she got home, she found some nice robin poop to roll in. Then she spotted the remains of a blackbird an owl had feasted on the night before. Oh boy, you would have thought she had some new perfume! She couldn't get enough of that roll! Snickers got a nice long bath when she came inside.


Boo Casanova said...

hahaha. snickers need a bath! i wouldn't want to go near her if she didn't get it. hehehehe.

wet wet licks


Cash said...

Snickers...hey buddy....too bad about the l o n g bath...but, hey, I guess you had to!! I would have loved to roll in all that stuff too!! haha
Love your gardening, you are GOOD. Those tulips are coming up nicely!
Stay Kewl,
Jasper & Jack

Cash said...

I'd like to say...I think you are ONE REMARKABLE lil' pooch! And your hooman mom and dad are remarkable as well.
We have just finished reading your blog from the beginning...and your story has tugged at the strings of our Momma even wept.
This is the reason we blog!
Jasper & Jack
(and Cynthia & Tessia)

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw Snickers, you're a tomboy despite the pretty face!

Oscar x

Sunshade said...

Gooooood girl, I've never come across Robin poopies. How do they smell? Does the smell last long?? If it does, do you mind sending me some samples?

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Ruby Bleu said...

Snickers, You sound like me after the park the other day. I rolled in so much stuff...really gross and stinky. Nothing a bath doesn't take care of, right?

Looks like you had fun. So glad it is warming up for you to be able to play outside.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Balboa said...

I bet you had lots of fun rollin' around in the poop. Too bad you had a bath before you could roll around on your mommy's bed. hee hee That's what I would've done.

Frenchie Kisses,

chiyo said...

no more snow! phew! :) so many different kinds of poop/stinky things to roll in, what a good way to welcome spring :)
