Saturday, May 31, 2008

Snickers Burns Her Bra

Snickers is confused. She doesn't know where to turn. How could it be? A woman finally wins enough votes to be a presidential nominee, but behind closed doors, the guys say, "Not so fast!"

Aren't we always being told every vote counts? Then let them count! We should not go back to the days of suffrage!

Snickers has decided she will burn her bra in protest. Let's count all votes, not just the ones they tell us should count. The Democrats sure don't sound very democratic!

Protect your vote. Ask to have it counted.
Don't let your vote go up in smoke.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Snickers is Home Again

We're back home and here to stay. At least until the next vacation.

We had a very busy month in April. Snickers spent more than half the month visiting Toby while we were jetting from one end of the country to another. We had the chance to visit the Master's Tournament in Augusta, Georgia and couldn't pass that up. We golfed four times while we had the chance. When we left Wisconsin it was raining and when we came home, it was sleeting. Today, it's sunny and will be 69 degrees. Hooray!! My spring flowers are in bloom and I can hear Robins warbling outside my window.

During this vacation, we visited my daughter Adriane in Pasadena for her birthday. It was mostly warm and sunny. We visited Wilson Mountain, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Huntington Gardens. One day we went to Universal Studios and spent time in the recording studio where my son in law works. All in all, it's a great vacation when you can spend time with the ones you love.

But for Snickers, she was home for only four days to rest, then back to Toby's house. My brother said that they played so hard, they were standing on their hind legs and wrestling like grizzly bears. Imagine that for a three legged dog! Small wonder she slept for two days solid when she got home.
Snickers says, "There's no place like home, especially if there is a spot of sun and a good rawhide to chew! Hey, don't forget to scratch my ears!"

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Spring is a Long Time Coming

Snickers and Toby got together for a nice walk to celebrate the snow FINALLY starting to melt. They are finding lots to sniff at. Toby is a little smaller, but Snickers keeps up while hopping on her remaining rear leg. She is a remarkable hunter. Even in the middle of the latest snow storm, she spotted a robin and took off through the latest fourteen inches of snow! Look at what good pals Toby and Snickers are!

Even the sparrows are finding time to snuggle. They were busy collecting dry grass to line their nests. It took them a while to push all the snow out of their holes. We were worried that they wouldn't find enough to eat so I put out some peanut butter. They seem to be doing just fine.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow for Snickers

We have enough snow! Please, no more snow! This is a winter like we used to get when I was a little girl. It looks like the weather is definately beginning to cycle back to the days when we were worried about a new ice age. Can you believe this is what we were taught in grade school? I have heard rumblings from a some climatologists that this may actually be happening. Who knows? That's for somebody else to battle.

All Snickers and I know, this is too much snow for a three legged dog to handle! Today it is below zero and now it is a battle to get Snickers to go outside to do her business. It doesn't take long for her to get the job done and run right back inside! No chasing ground squirrels or bunnies through the snow today.