Saturday, May 31, 2008

Snickers Burns Her Bra

Snickers is confused. She doesn't know where to turn. How could it be? A woman finally wins enough votes to be a presidential nominee, but behind closed doors, the guys say, "Not so fast!"

Aren't we always being told every vote counts? Then let them count! We should not go back to the days of suffrage!

Snickers has decided she will burn her bra in protest. Let's count all votes, not just the ones they tell us should count. The Democrats sure don't sound very democratic!

Protect your vote. Ask to have it counted.
Don't let your vote go up in smoke.


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Right on girl!!!

Sharon said...

Come on Mona, let's see you burn your bra! Your Mommy can help.

Ben & Darling said...

Wow Snickers, you burning a bra?? *blush* I heard about the bra burning in history...should I burn all mom's bra too?

slurpy licks,

Sharon said...

Mom might want you to save at least one! Snickers doesn't like wearing bras anyway.
Sharon and Snickers

Wuffstuff said...

Jesus, a political rescue dog. My word - what a blog. Well done.

Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.

We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site. You have one.

Hope you have time to have a look at us.



Urban Smoothie Read said...

can i burn my panty?

Peggy Condon said...

Hi Sharon,
Jo told me you had a blog-
very clever.

J.E.R.B. said...

I love your blog! Samson would like to tag you with the Honest WeBlog Award. You can read about this fun award in Samson's latest blog at We hope you can participate because you deserve to have an award for your hard work and awesome blog!

Hoop said...

Burn it up, I love your dog

Diane said...

Hi, Snickers is so cute, I have a blog site I just started about our dog Cassie, She is a rat terrier we rescued from a shelter, but we don't know how to get the search engines to show our site. Do you have any suggestions that might help us. Thanks for your time. If you want to email me at we would appreciate it. Thanks