Snickers "cousin" Toby was visiting this weekend. Last time Toby visited, they were trying to decide who was boss. It was Toby's birthday, so we celebrated by giving them each a new toy. Snickers ran off with them both. It is clear that in her house, she is the boss and that seems to be okay with Toby. Here she is drinking Toby's water. Toby doesn't care about that either.
If we travel, Snickers is invited to stay with Toby and Toby is invited to stay with Snickers if his parents travel. It works out nice for the parents, but when we told Snickers, she didn't react very well.
In the end, they got along so well, that Snickers was pretty tired out. After Toby went home, all Snickers wanted to do was sit in Dad's lap and let him scratch her ears.