Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Hunting Season

Snickers was very busy today practicing her hunting techniques. I caught her shaking one of her babies by the tail. I'll bet it would have broken her neck if it was real.

She has been insisting on going outside and then chasing low flying birds. These birds are very active. The robins are staking out their territory and the mating rituals have begun.

As the neighbors walk by with their dogs, Snickers needs to bark a friendly hello. I think we'll be meeting the new yellow lab that lives next door.


Boo Casanova said...

oh, has snickers hunt down any birdie yet??

wet wet licks


Sharon said...

Snickers is very busy trying to catch Buddy, the parakeet. She practices by stalking the birds outside. All the birds seem to be very good at purposely flying low over Snickers head and cackling at her. I think they do it as a game.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Good morning little Snickers,

Great yard you have to do your hunting! The hunted better be careful of your hunting skills!

Hugs from Billy Boo:)

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oh Snickers I am sorry to hear about your grandmother.

Have a big hug from me and mum xxx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

The birdies drive me crazy too! I doubt I'll ever be quick enough to get one though

Oscar x