Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ralphie and Snickers Say GoodBye to Jody

We had a going away party for my niece Jody. She is moving to St. Louis. Snickers and I will miss her. I've been lucky enough to work with this exceptional person for the last several years. Snickers loves her because she takes care of her when we go away on vacation. Jody isn't in these pictures because she is too shy, but we all love her and say good-bye. We wish you luck!


Boo Casanova said...

i'm wishing jody all the best. who's gonna take care of snickers in future?

wet wet licks


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, I bet you will all miss Jody, but hopefully she is off to start a happy new life!

Oscar x

Sharon said...

Jody is off to start a happy new life, so we are excited for her. Snickers may visit Toby when we go away. I'm not sure, yet. Wish you lived nearby so Snickers could visit you!

Ben & Darling said...

Good bye & all the best Jody. We will take good care of snickers & sharon.

Slurp~slurp licks.

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Good luck Jody! You will be missed and I think by Snickers the most!

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

PreciOus said...

Best of luck to Jody! Hope she'll be back to visit Snickers again.
