Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Toy

Snickers is enjoying her new hard rubber toy. She is still playing catch even though she has the cracked tooth. We have decided to have the tooth pulled. I think about how teeth feel after they are crowned and canaled, and all the things that can go wrong. A human can tell you if things didn't go well, but not a dog. This dog will get along just fine with one less tooth in her mouth. We have made the appointment for Monday. I have some pain pills for her that the vet gave me. Even before I knew she had the cracked tooth, I explained that I felt she was having some pain. I guess I was right, but was very wrong about the cause. This is a good reason to see your vet if you think your dog is not acting in the usual manner. I'm glad we have experts to help us communicate with our pets.

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