Saturday, October 14, 2006

Rotator Cuff

I can understand why people with pets are healthier than those without. It isn't just the emotional connection you get with pets, but it is also the fact that they require care and attention. This keeps you moving. A couple of years ago, I suffered a rotator cuff injury. I went through four months of physical therapy to get my movement back. When I was discharged from care, I went home with weights and pulleys and heavy duty exercise bands along with instructions to keep up the good work.
If you are like me, you will understand that I got lazy and did not keep up the good work. Now that Snickers and I play catch, I am feeling the old injury again. This is a good reminder to me that it is important to continue to exercise as I age. This will keep me strong and limber and allow me to go on adventures and play as much catch as I want with Snickers.
The first thing I did this morning was to get back on the pulley system to encourage complete range of motion with the shoulders. This is a great and gentle warm up for the day. Now I'm ready to start another game of boom-a-rang catch with Snickers (right after our walk, of course).

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